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The President

Message from the President

Universal Briefing (UB) is a voluntary non-profit making non-governmental platform with principle focus on "Library & Information Services"; it will try to inculcate professional expertise among young professionals, develop tools and techniques to expedite the professional skills among budding generations, disseminate new knowledge through research activities, try to foster information handling skill among students, to build an atmosphere of togetherness and fraternity within society and finally advocates its belief in open education, open science and openness of knowledge.


"Universal Briefing: A Platform for Information Exchange" (UB) is an organization, formed during a dark period of human civilization i.e. Corona Pandemic, 2020. It has formed with good Samaritan motive of few individuals of different age group having common mental inclinations. In its formative stage, was involved simply in helping distressed people. After several brainstorming sessions among those individuals, it was decided that it will not be restricted only in charitable works but it should come out with bigger and far reaching motives, for the betterment of the academics, to uplift the intelligentsia of young professions, more over to try to reach a zenith where it can swim with "where mind is without fear".