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Message from the President

Universal Briefing (UB) is a voluntary non-profit making non-governmental platform with principle focus on "Library & Information Services"; it will try to inculcate professional expertise among young professionals, develop tools and techniques to expedite the professional skills among budding generations, disseminate new knowledge through research activities, try to foster information handling skill among students, to build an atmosphere of togetherness and fraternity within society and finally advocates its belief in open education, open science and openness of knowledge.



Universal Brieing, a voluntary non-proit making academic forum of LIS professionals comprising LIS teachers, librarians, students located at Kolkata, India and as the name suggests, endeavours to brief the universe which, undoubtedly and arguably, is thoroughly depended on information. Ergo, it is appropriately captioned as a platform for information exchange. The main activities of Universal Brieing focus on the development of the LIS ield through organisation of seminars, conferences, workshops, study circles, special lectures etc.; by providing NTA-NET (UGC), SET guidance classes through renowned professionals for the students; by fostering research activities and publishing Newsletters, books, ebooks and peerreviewed journals etc.

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